Picture Perfect!

7:25 AM Edit This 1 Comment »
So I've decided that blogs need pictures to be interesting. Since I'm normally at work, I've kind of been slacking in the adding pictures to my posts department. HOWEVER, I found a picture on my photobucket that is quite old, but still CUTE!

This is Molly.

She is the only dog that we've had that has lived for a long time, we've had her since I was in kindergarten. You can read about our other dogs here. Not mentioned in that post is Blackie, who my dad killed when backing out of drive way on our way to a funeral. Dalene (my sister) and I did not know this man whose funeral we were going to, but we cried the whole time because of our loss.

1 comment:

Pan Cratius said...

That is SOOOOO touching, that you cried during the funeral of someone you didn't know...I bet it made the widow feel well consoled, little did she know you were crying for your doggie...