I'll pick door #2

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I feel like I’m on a game show. I have the numbered doors in front of me, and people behind me screaming telling me which door to pick. Each door has a different prize and uniquely appealing, but I can only choose one. With the help of the audience, I finally choose which door to choose. Door #2. What is behind door #2? Oklahoma Wesleyan University. Nanny was in the audience yesterday telling me, “You need to stay here.” I’ve thought that for a long time now, but her direct answer made me finally make my decision. Soon will be my last day of work, which I am thankful for, I really want to live back home. However, I have no job, or form of income once I move to Bartlesville. This scares me, but I know that it will all fall into place.


Dalene said...

We'll enjoy having you HERE!

Anonymous said...

You need to pick door #3...Really. I'm hoping you don't ruin your life by going into either #1 oe #2. A caring Uncle

The Urbans said...

I love Nanny.