RIP Fluffy.

2:53 PM Edit This 2 Comments »
Don't worry, Fluffy isn't one of my dogs, Fluffy is a story I want to share with you. A couple years ago my family bought a house on the corner of our somewhat "ghetto" neighborhood. We were going to tear the house down and evenutally make it one big yard (someone bought the house in the middle of our house and the one purchased, so it didn't happen), but before we tore it down, we explored. The house was full of junk, and most floors in the house felt like they would fall through when stepped on, really scary on the 2nd floor! Anyways, in the backyard there was a little grave lined with stones for a pet named Fluffy (I actually don't remember its name, but it was something generic like Fluffy). My father and Uncle Don had some great idea to dig Fluffy up, this grave had been around forever considering no one had lived in the house for over 8 years or more. Excited to see some little animal bones my Dad and Uncle started digging. However, what we all crowded around to see when they were finished was not little animal bones, rather a cat tied up in a Wal-mart bag! It had been preserved because it was wrapped in layers and layers of plastic bags! It was disgusting! They got Fluffy out, I'm not sure if they opened her up or not, because I bolted out of there when it was still in one piece!


liesel said...

Poor, poor Fluffy.

Anonymous said...

Is there a punch line? Guess these Wal Mart plastic bags got some good use. Marcos