I'm sorry!

10:36 PM Edit This 3 Comments »
I'm totally slacking on my posting! I feel like such a poop head! So let me tell you how I am doing...

Bartlesville is GREAT! I love it, my family is here and my friends. Not that I've done much, AT ALL since I've been here. Mostly I sleep and eat and am probably getting really fat! I do play wii fit sometimes so maybe that will make me less fat.

For the first time in my life I am jobless. I have a love hate relationship with being jobless. I love not having any responsibilities, but I hate it because that makes me feel totally irresponsible and I totally need the money. I know I need to get a job, but I just can't make the decision on where I even would think I would like working. I really want to get a job I enjoy so its making my decision hard. Any ideas?

I think that's about all I have to say right now. OH and p.s. this Friday or Saturday-yet to be determined- I am throwing Dalene an "All American Going Away Extravaganza"! It will be great and anyone that can come should! I'm not sure what I'll be doing at it yet, but I do know there will be lots of fun, and maybe food!

Last Day :)

1:29 PM Edit This 2 Comments »
I was told by my wise aunt that I needed to be more detailed on my posts, so here is my details.

Today I am moving back after work at 5:30 to go live back at Bartlesville. I was going to be out of Oklahoma City for quite awhile, but not all my things would fit in my car so I am coming back Tuesday to get them and move finally out of my apartment(maybe I can visit my wise aunt then). Once I get back to Bartlesville I will have no job. I've never gone jobless like this, so I hope I will find one, but I will surely enjoy the time off. School at OWU will start for me on the 19th. I am thinking about going on a vacation while I'm not working, but I have no clue where I would go or how I would afford it.

Tonight when I got home I am hosting "GameShowfest 2008." I will be the host and have compiled many Jeopardy questions together. Be looking forward to the pictures!



7:34 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
I am mad! I just made a long post and then it went crazy and didn't work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.........wait they save them don't they???????? Maybe I can find it!

I found it, and somehow it is now below this one. haha.

Picture Perfect!

7:25 AM Edit This 1 Comment »
So I've decided that blogs need pictures to be interesting. Since I'm normally at work, I've kind of been slacking in the adding pictures to my posts department. HOWEVER, I found a picture on my photobucket that is quite old, but still CUTE!

This is Molly.

She is the only dog that we've had that has lived for a long time, we've had her since I was in kindergarten. You can read about our other dogs here. Not mentioned in that post is Blackie, who my dad killed when backing out of drive way on our way to a funeral. Dalene (my sister) and I did not know this man whose funeral we were going to, but we cried the whole time because of our loss.


10:27 AM Edit This 2 Comments »
There is one reason I don't want to go to Bartlesville-I will no longer be able to watch Project Runway and Shear Genius.

Every Wednesday night I put on some comfortable clothes and sit in front of the TV to watch the best shows on earth. Project Runway season 5 just started, if you haven't seen the show it is about fashion designers who compete in unusual competitions. Last week they had to go to a grocery store and buy their "fabrics." One guy made a dress completely out of blue cups. It didn't win, the lady who made the dress out of vacuum bags and coffee filters won. Shear Genius is about hair stylist who compete against each other. Last week they had to do a hair style that their client could recreate perfectly without their help. This week they are doing something with bald ladies so I'm kind of confused-but I still can't WAIT!

If you have nothing to do tonight, I highly recommend watching these TV shows. CAUTION: You will be come addicted!


11:27 AM Edit This 2 Comments »
Just about every weekend my house is filled with my cousin Matt, Nikki, Renana and John, my cousin Donna, my sister, and just about anyone else who will fit.

We try to do something fun every weekend. Lately we have just been playing Wii. Don't get me wrong, I love a good game of Wii, we just haven't done anything out of the ordinary in awhile. The last unordinary thing we did was a video scavenger hunt, items on the list included: roadkill (the bigger the better), a piggy back ride from a police officer, and a picture in a firetruck. This weekend I am trying to think of something just as fun. I'm thinking maybe doing a gameshow type thing-I can do a pretty mean PowerPoint!

Does anyone have ideas? It'd be great if you helped!

Bartlesville Awaits

8:05 AM Edit This 3 Comments »
I'm probably the world's lamest person right now, but I am SO excited for Bartlesville. I know most kid's my age hate Bartlesville and they can't wait to leave. Not me, I embrace Bartlesville with open arms. I've always loved Bartlesville, it is where all my family and friends are. I use to not appreciate it as much, thinking other places would be better, but after being away I realize how much I truly love it.
Now that I'm going to Bartlesville I would like to become active in the community. I've signed up to help on Wednesday nights for the children's church. I want to do more though. I'm not really sure what activities are available. Maybe I can be a volunteer police officer! That would be fun! I doubt they'd let me do that though you probably have to be older. Does anyone have any ideas of what I could do to get more involved in my community?

July 25th!

9:34 AM Edit This 4 Comments »
I talked to Aunt Beth on the phone yesterday, she told me I never write in my blog. I told her, "That is because I do not do anything!" However, soon that will hopefully be changing. On July 25th I will go to my last day of work in Oklahoma City-perhaps forever. I still need to find a job in Bartlesville. I am planning on having a much more active life when I go back to Bartlesville. This will hopefully in turn result in more reasons to post on my blog!

Also, Aunt Beth told me Dalene had something wrong with her neck and posted it on her blog. I never dreamed of posting my spine problems on a blog, but I'll let you know! When I moved into my apartment a few months ago, my back started hurting. I thought I pulled something and waited for it to go away. Finally, I couldn't take the pain and went to the chiropractor. He took some xrays, and I found out that I have a curve in my back- or a mild form of scoliosis. This messes up the muscles, and that causes the pain in my back. My bones in my neck are also in straight line, and they schould be curved. This makes my head feel heavier, causing me to lean my neck forward all the time. Today I decided I want good posture and I'm trying to hold my head up straight, it hurts and feels weird. My neck will get use to it, right?

I'll pick door #2

8:34 AM Edit This 3 Comments »
I feel like I’m on a game show. I have the numbered doors in front of me, and people behind me screaming telling me which door to pick. Each door has a different prize and uniquely appealing, but I can only choose one. With the help of the audience, I finally choose which door to choose. Door #2. What is behind door #2? Oklahoma Wesleyan University. Nanny was in the audience yesterday telling me, “You need to stay here.” I’ve thought that for a long time now, but her direct answer made me finally make my decision. Soon will be my last day of work, which I am thankful for, I really want to live back home. However, I have no job, or form of income once I move to Bartlesville. This scares me, but I know that it will all fall into place.

Horse Riding in SD

7:21 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Here is my horse. She ran into a lower branch of a tree a pine tree, got so close to a tree my knee scraped it and was bleeding, and wouldn't stop eating grass. She was the only draft horse. Her name was Belle. This picture, "shows her perfectly" as said by my sister.

However, I still liked my horse even though she was the most difficult. It was a nice ride too. Many beautiful thing. I was thinking the whole time how my cousin Evi would have liked it!

The Road Not Taken

7:30 AM Edit This 3 Comments »
I pretty much hate "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost. Why? Let me show you the ending,

"I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference."

He figured out what road to take. That is a decision I cannot make; what road should I take? My two roads: Southern Nazarene University or Oklahoma Wesleyan University. What is stopping me from taking either road? At SNU I have so many good friends, friends like I have never had before, however financially it would be a burden for me. At OWU I would not make the same type of good friends, however financially it would be so much easier for me. Which is more important? I cannot decided, it causes me so much stress. It seems to be all I can think of, I am consumed by this decision. For quite awhile I was happy with going to OWU and then I started talking to my friends at SNU, I couldn't even bare telling them I wasn't going. It makes me sad to think I won't have the late night Sonic runs, crazy video making, saranwrap races, or even someone to always talk to in the dorm. I've prayed about it like people tell me, and I feel like there really isn't a "wrong decision" I just feel like I won't be happy either place, thinking the other would be better.

I hate stress. I hate decisions. How about someone just chooses for me?

I'm back!!

8:43 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
I have plenty of pictures from my trip, which I will blog about during this week, but for now I think I'll go to bed.
I've restarted the Abs Diet. I'm really wanting a 6 pack before school. I am giving myself weekly rewards if I stick to it, so hopefully that will motivate me more.
I also need to start looking for a job in Bartlesville. I suppose that right now would be a little early to apply though since I couldn't start working for a month!
OKAY, bedtime!!!!

Oh yes, and I hope everyone had a great summer! New blog tomorrow! (hopefully!)