Last Day :)
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I was told by my wise aunt that I needed to be more detailed on my posts, so here is my details.
Today I am moving back after work at 5:30 to go live back at Bartlesville. I was going to be out of Oklahoma City for quite awhile, but not all my things would fit in my car so I am coming back Tuesday to get them and move finally out of my apartment(maybe I can visit my wise aunt then). Once I get back to Bartlesville I will have no job. I've never gone jobless like this, so I hope I will find one, but I will surely enjoy the time off. School at OWU will start for me on the 19th. I am thinking about going on a vacation while I'm not working, but I have no clue where I would go or how I would afford it.
Tonight when I got home I am hosting "GameShowfest 2008." I will be the host and have compiled many Jeopardy questions together. Be looking forward to the pictures!
Today I am moving back after work at 5:30 to go live back at Bartlesville. I was going to be out of Oklahoma City for quite awhile, but not all my things would fit in my car so I am coming back Tuesday to get them and move finally out of my apartment(maybe I can visit my wise aunt then). Once I get back to Bartlesville I will have no job. I've never gone jobless like this, so I hope I will find one, but I will surely enjoy the time off. School at OWU will start for me on the 19th. I am thinking about going on a vacation while I'm not working, but I have no clue where I would go or how I would afford it.
Tonight when I got home I am hosting "GameShowfest 2008." I will be the host and have compiled many Jeopardy questions together. Be looking forward to the pictures!
So, you think I am wise? You should come visit when you come back next week. Maybe your uncle could send you to Jamaica for a vacation.
ive been reading your blog every day but i never comment on it so i figured i would! im so sad you are moving! but i hope it makes you happy. secretly, i hope it makes you unhappy so you come back next semester but i guess thats really selfish! haha.
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