maybe on my 5345866894th try...
9:16 AM Edit This 2 Comments »
My 5345866894 try to eat healthy and exercise. I've said I was going to eat healthy probably since 5th grade, and yet it never happens. I start diet after diet and never finish. I have purchased numerous work out videos only for them to never be opened.
So what makes this time different?
I'm 19 and I have more health problems than an 80 year old woman. I have constant back pains, which my chiropractor says is from a minor form of scoliosis, however I know that if I strengthen my ab muscles my back problems would most likely melt away. I have a high resting heart rate: 84 and the highest a person really wants is 70(according to google ;) ). I have bad acid reflux which means most time I can't even eat without being nauseated afterwards and I have a very high chance of some day having diabetes.
Yesterday I was watching a television show where this lady who was out of breath from just going through a dance routine said, "I need the body of an 18 year old!" That got me thinking, I'm 19 and should be in my prime, however I can't walk around a store without my back hurting or play a sport without totally being wiped out. I want to be healthy and I want to have energy. There is no more putting it off.
Wish me luck!
So what makes this time different?
I'm 19 and I have more health problems than an 80 year old woman. I have constant back pains, which my chiropractor says is from a minor form of scoliosis, however I know that if I strengthen my ab muscles my back problems would most likely melt away. I have a high resting heart rate: 84 and the highest a person really wants is 70(according to google ;) ). I have bad acid reflux which means most time I can't even eat without being nauseated afterwards and I have a very high chance of some day having diabetes.
Yesterday I was watching a television show where this lady who was out of breath from just going through a dance routine said, "I need the body of an 18 year old!" That got me thinking, I'm 19 and should be in my prime, however I can't walk around a store without my back hurting or play a sport without totally being wiped out. I want to be healthy and I want to have energy. There is no more putting it off.
Wish me luck!
Well, let's see. Hopefully no one reading this is selling Herbal Life, or Schaklee's. Amway people would jump on this one. Are you worried? Stress sometimes causes acid reflux. An elexir sometimes helps colon deposits from making sore spots on the back, at least this was what YOUR grandfather believed. You shouldn't be watching TV, and 80 year old women give them comments about 18 yr. old bodies. I'm pretty sure you're a smart chick, and you'll get it all figured out. Juan Timoteo
Hey...why don't you join RovyRunners with us? Pretty much takes care of everything you listed. Your symptoms are Rovy issues. I'm in better shape now than when I was your age...and ask myself: "What could I have accomplished if I had done this 20 years ago?" Just a thought.
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