
10:17 AM Edit This 2 Comments »

Here is the picture of Lucky that Marlita asked for she is with the big baby Nor. This other picture shows how naughty she is! She has done that to about all my mothers flowers.

I hope you all have a great weekend! I probably won't because I am going to Ardmore, Oklahoma population 6. Okay I really don't know that but I am certain there is nothing there and thats where I am spending my weekend. My dad, uncle Mark, and Jonnie are doing Oklahoma freewheel and will bike all through Oklahoma for a week. That does not sound like fun at all to me, but heey that is fun for them!

I'll write more for you again soon!


Tim Rovenstine said...

Actually Ardmore is quite interesting. Your grandmother came through there in 1907 on a covered way, a 21 day trip known as the Red River Rush. Folks along the River were headed farther west to homestead.

Marlita said...

Lucky looks like a Lucky.. good name choice, hopefully he will live up to his name.