Kansas City Zoo

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Over Spring break we also went to Kansas City for a couple days. One of the things we did there was go to the school. Here are a few of the highlights.

Cute Bird

There were geese all over the zoo. For some reason my dad decided to try and pet one.

My Father would like to know if anyone can identify our train driver...


Marlita said...

I guess Tyler Rovenstine.

Marlita said...

Or is it Brock?

Dalene said...

I LOVE that train driver. I hope you gave him a great big squishy hug for me!!!

Rebecca Rovenstine said...

It is Brock! Very close with the first guess.

little dalene said...

I think you meant zoo, not school.

Pan Cratius said...

I saw him at the train station in Rome, he is an Afghanistani refugee. Am I right?