Intermural Volleyball

1:52 PM Edit This 2 Comments »
I am going to be on a intermural volleyball team, our first game is tomorrow night. I'm not really sure why anyone would want me on their team, because I am quite terrible, but I am very excited. I've though been practicing! I even served a ball over the net the other night. I think I have a technique now, and will do really good! ...Hopefully.

OH! and there is precious dog that is running around the campus. He is pit bull/lab and still a puppy. He is so sweet, he follows everyone around, and the whole campus loves him. No one wants to call the pound because we don't want him put down. For some reason the guys named him Turd Fergesun, so if anyone wants Turd, let me know! He is the best dog ever!


Dalene said...

I love the name!

little dalene said...

Maybe you should learn to spell intramural before you actually play it. I'm going to start calling you Renana or Nikki. Sorry girls, but you know it's true.