Any ideas?

9:58 PM Edit This 3 Comments »
First I would like to say, I hate shopping for clothes. Spending money and trying on countless outfits before I actually like how one looks does not appeal to me. Instead of shopping, I usually take the clothes my sister no longer wants. However, each season I'll buy one or two new things. This means I've been wearing all my clothes about 3 or 4 years old, except a few items of clothing. I'm to a point where my clothes don't fit me the same way and the ones that I still fit into are getting holes are just look bad. The other day my favorite pair of jeans that I've had about 2 years, ripped in the back. The other pair I wear is a black color, and I have another pair I've had since I was about 16 and I'm not the same size as I was then. My tennis shoes are ripping and I've been noticing holes in the underarms of most my shirts.
Tomorrow is a dreaded day, I have to go buy pretty much a new wardrobe. This creates a problem since I've being trying to put most my money in savings. I need to do some smart shopping. This is where I need your help. I am not a smart shopper! For some reason only the most expenisive brands and newest styles appeal to me. Where should I go? I need some tips! Help me!

Someone called me a wimp for telling this way...

11:28 PM Edit This 9 Comments »
This is the first any of my family is finding this out, including my mom. I think its funny this way. HAHA..

So I decided my upper lip is sad without anything.

I went and got that fixed. This guy was kind of scary. He was making me want to laugh though.

He was very clean though. He even used 4 pairs of gloves.

Now my upper lip is happy!

It didn't hurt at all either! :) I must have a high pain tolerence. Good thing since I don't want any meds when I have a child someday.

Good News!

12:04 AM Edit This 4 Comments »
Since last semester I have been increasingly interested in becoming yearbook editor. I made an application and turned it in last Friday. Today I had my interview. I was super nervous, I wanted to barf all day. I thought I did terrible, I kept thinking after it was over of all the things I could have answered better. Then I got a phone call, "Congratulations......" my friends saw my facial expressions and started screaming in the background. I am SO excited!

Saving Money Stinks!

11:24 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
I really want to buy some cute clothes for the summer. However, that isn't happening because of me wanting to go to South Korea. AHHHHH. I hate it. These are the shoes I would get if I had money. Aren't they both SO CUTE??? Probably no one will think so because they are kind of out there, but I would wear them both ALL THE TIME.

Tornadoes are NOT fun.

1:57 PM Edit This 4 Comments »
I do not know why I use to like tornadoes. Probably because when I use to like them I would be in my front yard looking around trying to actually see one. At SNU they are a little more safe than I prefer to be and have us all sitting in a basement. You would think this would be fun, everyone getting together in a basement, but no. People have things to be doing, no one wants to be sitting down here, atleast I am getting some homework done. I am also hoping that my night class will be cancelled. I guess the tornado has already taken down Target. As long as it doesn't take down Wal-Mart!