The Circus!

5:31 PM Edit This 2 Comments »
I love the Circus. I went there this weekend. I wish I had a weird talent that I could be in the circus with! I want to marry a circus performer too, and have a pet elephant! Here are some pictures...

See the one on the very end? He is a baby! SO CUTE!

I cannot wait for Fall Break!

9:43 PM Edit This 2 Comments »
Because things like this will not happen...

I had 4 hours of sleep last night, because I was preparing for my Chemistry midterm. Tonight I went to bed at 10:45 to make up for some of the hours I missed. I was awaken at 11:15 to hammering on the cinder block wall me and my neighbor share. It has been going on for about 15 minutes. I think has finally stopped. Hopefully...

Bizet the Blue Colored Sheep

12:59 PM Edit This 3 Comments »
Here is my final product, don't make fun of my illustrations....

I still have to figure out how I'm going to print this in color. All the printers at school are black and white.


9:50 PM Edit This 4 Comments »
Twirp is the Sadie Hawkins type event at my school. This is my friend Kyle who I asked to go with me. He picked me this flower.

Everyone was there! It was great. This is when we were in line for a hay ride that took us to a corn maze. The maze was so hard!

After the maze the most ridiculous thing of the night happened. Six guys fit into one port-a-potty. Sick.

There was also a petting zoo. This is my roommate Anna petting a miniature horse. She is drinking beer....root beer.....

I took this next picture for my Grandmas. I took the leftovers from the chili dinner back to my dorm. Three containers of chili! It is better than cafeteria food!

This is my first post in a long time that actually has pictures. I've been slacking! (P.S. I got my awesome jacket at Goodwill. haha)

My book.

10:00 PM Edit This 3 Comments »
My book will be titled, "Bizet the Beautiful Blue Sheep." He is a sheep that is blue, and all the white sheep laugh at him. I've started it, and I think I've figured out how to incorporate Nanny into the book, but she'll be at the end. However, I'm kind of discouraged about my book because today while I as babysitting I read a kid, "Limu the Blue Turtle." ARE YOU KIDDING ME! The same color and everything?! I read the book, and it wasn't half as good as mine. However, I may change the title so I don't look like an entire rip-off. Also that book was about, its better to be good on the inside, and mine is about loving your outside and that is what makes you special AND NANNY!

Also, I'm going to Twirp this weekend, which is a sort of Sadie Hawkins. I asked my friend Kyle. I'm informing you just to start some rumors within the family. I'll try and get pictures on here by Saturday.

Children's Book

10:54 PM Edit This 7 Comments »
Okay, so 2 posts in one day, its pretty much a record since I've been in school.

I need your help though! I'm writing a children's book for my psychology class and its suppose to be about something we want to pass down, like something of importance. So I have some ideas, and I wanted to see what everyone thought would be the best, or maybe you have a better idea! Let me know.

Here is what I'm thinking:

Recycling! I'm sorry, but I'm obsessed with going green, and I just think we need to plant that seed at an early age.
Self Image and being happy with ones self!
Along the same line as self image, I was thinking maybe embracing uniqueness.
A King (Jesus) loving a little girl that had no special talent, but I'm pretty sure I'm ripping off another book that I just read about this.

That's about all I have right now. What do you all think? Is there some good ideas you can think of? I'll upload the book once I've made it. It's going to ROCK! Whatever it turns out to be about.

OH and read my last post about the party I want to have.

Oh Bartlesville, I love you.

4:25 PM Edit This 2 Comments »
I love Bartlesville. I'm here right now, and really should be leaving, but am not.
I love seeing my dogs, and my family, and sleeping constantly. I've probably got more sleep than I would in a whole week at SNU. I've probably ate more than I would at a whole week at SNU too.
I wish I had more time, to go visit everyone. I feel like I never have time. However, October 16-19th is my Fall Break. And the 17th, which is on a Friday, is my birthday! Can we please have a family birthday party in Bartlesville? Would anyone come? I really want to see everyone. I miss everyone. Let me know.