7:26 PM
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It was for sale, it was a 2001, and was selling for a little less than $11,000. I kind of want it...
Anyways, that was just my random fact of the day. The real reason I'm blogging, is because I have gotten complaints about not keeping up with my blog. So here is my glorious post.
Here is why I haven't been keeping up with my blog:
1. Chemistry Lab
2. Zoology Lab
3. Working Every Day
4. Relaxation Time!
5. Nap Time!
6. School
7. Things my Friends Drag me to.
So please forgive me for not giving the most speediest of updates.
5:43 AM
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The last couple of nights I have got in bed around 2, and I roll around in bed until 3 or 4. Maybe you're saying, "It is because you sleep all day." Well this isn't true at all. The last couple of days I haven't got any sleep during the day, which makes it SUPER annoying that I can't fall asleep at night. So right now I'm at my 7:30 lab, with less than 3 hours of sleep.
Man I need a nap!
2:54 PM
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Designer handbags, shoes, and so much more! I want them all. I just recently started looking them and they are all so beautiful! Too bad they all run over 500+ dollars.
Oh, did I tell everyone I'm going to Rome this Christmas! I CANNOT wait! Maybe I'll find some knock off designers there, that would be good.
10:22 AM
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Someone please save him! Since he is half pit bull they only give him a week until they put him down! He really is the nicest dog anyone could have, so if you know someone that is wanting a dog, let me know!
1:52 PM
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I am going to be on a intermural volleyball team, our first game is tomorrow night. I'm not really sure why anyone would want me on their team, because I am quite terrible, but I am very excited. I've though been practicing! I even served a ball over the net the other night. I think I have a technique now, and will do really good! ...Hopefully.
OH! and there is precious dog that is running around the campus. He is pit bull/lab and still a puppy. He is so sweet, he follows everyone around, and the whole campus loves him. No one wants to call the pound because we don't want him put down. For some reason the guys named him Turd Fergesun, so if anyone wants Turd, let me know! He is the best dog ever!
5:47 PM
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I am SO excited! I am officially a professional babysitter! I get to pick my own hours AND I get payed pretty good, and supposedly people tip on the required amount! Right now I just have to get my Child and Infant CPR and First aid and I am good to go! I am so happy to be making money soon! Plus, maybe some parents will let me do homework when their kids go to sleep?? :) That'd be good.
OH, and if my family ever needs me to babysit, let me know, you'll get the family discount: FREE! Well, I might make you throw in dinner now that I think about it. haha!
If you ever need a good babysitter(they have this service in the Tulsa and Bartlesville area too) just go to seekingsitters.com. All you have to do is apply, and they'll do a background check on you and make sure you're okay and you'll have a babysitter in no time. Seekingsitters, background checks their babysitters (they even requested me as a friend on myspace!) and the sitters are required to know CPR and first aid. So get them to babysit sometime, and maybe you'll get someone as cool as me!
3:44 PM
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Okay, I really haven't gained anything that I've noticed, and I really don't think that its the "sophomore 50", but I am eating all the time! I really need some will power. I just don't know where to get it!